Hi Guys My names Michelle and Id apprecioate it if you could bear with me.
Yesterday seemed the worst day of my life.  Heres why... About 2 months ago
I rescued/bought a ferret from an abused/neglected home.  I checked him out
and besides little things like his weight, he was fine.  I planned to tak
ehim to the vet, but he seemed to get so much better.  Than the last couple
of days he hasnt eaten real well and hes been real short with my other
ferrets, yesterday I took him to the vet, hes 4 yrs old and only weighed
1.5, It broke my heart.  He isnt in any pain but she basically suggested
putting him to sleep, I cant do that I put him in the hospital so I know Im
trying ever thing I can do.  My questionj, she found nothing wrong besides
dehydration, if I work every day with him do u guys think I can save him?
Could it only be malnuterion, any advice is welcome....
[Posted in FML issue 2784]