Every once in a while, I will be jolted into remembering that people from
different countries and cultures read the FML.  There is such a vast array
of differences between us.  Yet we are all here to share wisdom, love,
humor, information, sadness, fear, questions, and entertainment and the
arts revolving around one central theme: beloved ferrets.
In some of the undercurrents of discussions on ferrets, I see people
writing that violent cartoons and movies and pictures of gore are perfectly
all right for children owned by ferrets to view.  I just want those of you
with children and ferrets to know that whatever you decide--there are a
number of parents that I have met or know that do Not allow their children
to watch TV.  Videos are prescreened.  Not all Walt Disney movies are
allowed to be seen..  I do not have any friends that behave other than in
this way.  Their friends are this way also.
Furthermore, a picture of a butchered cow, person, or ferret COULD cause
nightmares for a young child or a sensitive older child: even if it is
supposed to be silly.  Your child is NOT abnormal if this is so.  Nor
should a child find butchering an animal to be humorous in the opinion of
many and in the eyes of my God or any God I have read about.
Do what YOU know is best for Your child.  I personally know children who
have had terrible nightmares, and several who may have developed a peptic
ulcer from seeing things violent in nature on TV.  I was one of those
children many years ago.  The nightmares were just terrible and ceaseless.
I was only around 9 years old.  I was only watching those stupid science
fiction movies that were so poorly done and obviously fake.
Don't let our writings sway you from doing what You feel is best for Your
child or children!!!.  Some of us just like receiving our ferret drug:
Modern Ferret.  It has made a good day great and a bad day good for me.
And a number of people who write here personally know the authors and
really like them.
I have no children to show the magazine to, and have promised my family
that I will not show their children either.  [They were deeply offended and
grossed out by the man on the toilet picture some time ago.]  I have looked
on it as a true gift each time it arrived.  But it is not for everybody.
Nothing is-except air and water food and shelter- I guess.
I would like to say that the poems recently written really moved me.  I
hope they will go into the next Ferret Poem Book.  My book is now on my
bed so I can read about all of your ferrets with a smile and a tear before
I fall asleep.
I read your work of art and your name and feel the love you hold; the pain
you suffered.  It is really something.  Even though you are a thousand
miles away and might disagree with many things I believe- I see and I feel
your love and concern and joy for ferrets: and you are a comfortable friend
to me.
[Posted in FML issue 2783]