>From:    Michele Fitzgerald <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Toys and rice plans.....
>To the person writing to defend the Modern Ferret issue, I have to commend
>you on the fact that yes, we are a little different from most pet owners,
>(even though most of us have the 'traditional' pets too) and I too liked
>the style of MF from the beginning.
Guess thats me.  Yes we have dogs and cats too.  But also goats and a
Oh I can certainly see why folks might not like a few of the pictures (only
a few)  But the article with most of those pictures isn't the same.  And
the vast majority of the issue is the same old ModFer we've come to love.
Its certainly acceptable to love most of the mag and still have problems
with those pictures.
>From:    Matthew Ardill & Siani Evans <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: modern ferret
>P.S. zen, i'm pretty disappointed in you for that little outburst.  i
>always had you pegged as a sensible, rational person who cared more about
>the ferrets than about all the politics and hoopla
But, if you (not any particular you or even ewe <sheepish grin>) attack my
friends unfairly, I will defend them.  You however disagree reasonably with
us or our friends I deal with the reason fairly.
We were upset with those urging the attackdogs be unleashed and to ravage
an entire magazine just because a few photos - yes only a few - were not
appreciated.  That was the problem.  We didn't try to be quite as personal
in the rebuttals.  But we do take it quite seriously when far more
important things than ferrets (yes there are some more important things -
really) are at stake.  We strongly denounce ALL attempts at mob rule
censorship.  That was what we were trying to respond to anyway.  Apparently
that wasn't clear to some.  We've had more positive than negative feedback
though so we think we didn't do to badly.
>From:    TJ <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Ferret color question
>Short story: Finder arrived with a small, black-looking ferret of
>indeterminate sex and age.  Looked to be pure black except for a white
>beard and a small white chest marking.
Other than the small, that is a great description of a mink.
>At the shelter, we found that the coloring was actually more of a VERY
>dark ahogony.  Definitely a dark brown with undertones of red.  The
>shelter owner was as confused as we were.  Some thoughts were that this
>was a mink, but did not look minkish.
No wait.  Thats an even better description of a mink's color.  So why
doesn't it look minkish?  (Assuming Mahogany was meant)
Not a good description of any ferret color I am familiar with at all.  So
why do you think it isn't a mink?  In ferrets a whole female's head should
look almost exactly like a spayed females.  A whole males head is more like
a minks.  Kinda.
So could this be an immature wild mink?
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
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[Posted in FML issue 2782]