TJ writes:
>He will stretch out, raise the tail and point it forwards.  Very normal.
>However, twice I've caught him "wagging" it backwards and forwards while
>"squeezling" with a BM. It moves back and forth and will drum against
>the wall on the back stroke. This is how I noticed it: What the heck is
>THAT noise??
Thanks for posting.  You made me laugh pretty hard....but what a subject
My Sherlock wags just before he jumps into the tub to get a drink of water.
UPDATE on Sherlock and P.B.
P.B. and Sherlock are still feeling sick, but both are eating and drinking.
They have somewhat firmer stool and are alert and and a little energetic
when awake.  They are sleeping more than normal tho.  For those who haven't
introduced Duck Soup to their Fur Kids yet--DO IT.  Sherlock took to it
fairly readily (which is unusual, he's the picky one), but we had to force
feed P.B.  He still gives us a nasty look when we feed him.  In any case, I
believe that the feedings probably saved our kids from dehydration and
Funny thing has happened tho.  P.B. and Sherlock have always drunk from a
water bottle in the cage.  Since being sick, they will ONLY drink from a
bowl.  I'd be interested in hearing any insights into this behaviour.
Once again, thank you to ALL of you who gave so much good advice.  You're
all in my good books.
Matthew in CO (a little less worried about the fur kids)
"We have to work in the theatre of our own time,
with the tools of our own time" --Robert Edmond Jones
[Posted in FML issue 2782]