Dooks to all...
Randy I had to LOL on your post about your fuzzy giving blood....Recently
my Ralphie donated blood and I too was a literal "basket case" with worry,
but he took it all in stride.  A little girl was accidentally stepped on
and was bleeding into her abdomen.  I work at the animal hospital where
she was brought in, and everyone knows I have the fuzzy crew, so they asked
if I had anyone big enough to donate blood for her.  Ralphie is a big
strapping boy and so is Nick, so they got to come in with me to donate.
Well, I don't know if your vet anesthitizes first, but I just couldn't look
as Ralphie was given some isoflurane gas so that he wouldn't wiggle while
they took the blood from him.  (they have to use the vena cava in the chest
for such a large amount).  He was just happily playing in the box for the
looongest turns out he knocked out the tube and was getting no
gas at all....but we were!  Eventually, he donated 9cc's of blood.  The
little girl girl was found to have lacerated her liver with a broken rib,
and would have died from shock if not for the transfusion.  I was sooo
proud of my Ralph, truly a great feeling.  He didn't even need OJ<G>.  But
he did get lots of linatone and treats!  Nick wasn't needed but is on a
list for the next time.  Those of you with big strapping healthy kids might
want to check into your local large animal hospital's policies on blood
donation.  Ours has a setup where annual physicals, vaccs and a six month
heartworm supply are free for donating three times a year.  I'm working on
a similar plan there for ferrets now.
Michele & the 7 wuzzles
[Posted in FML issue 2782]