Ok i was looking through the pet ads in our local paper and there was an ad
it said "3 ferrets to a good home good with children." So i decide to call
as i am looking for a playmate for my Buster,well as i'm trying to talk to
this lady all i hear in the background is kids screaming and swearing.She
goes on to tell me that she wants $200.00 per ferret and $300 for the 3
story cage!!So i thank her and hang up all the while thinking are you
NUTS!!!Thats highway robbery!!Well i go abut my business of the day but i
can't stop thinking about the call i made so while at a friends house i
decide to call her again(the lady with the ferrets,i somehow remembered her
number)i can still hear all the kids screaming,well i don't know why but i
decided to go have a look at the ferrets.When i get to this ladies house
there at least 15 children just filthy and running all over the place
screaming at the top there lungs!!!As i look around i noticed that there
isn't a ferret in sight just filth and 2 dogs along with the dirty
screaming kids.She then tells me that she runs a daycare center out of her
house and that last year license committee allowed her to have her ferrets
but now she cannot an that if she didn't get rid of them by 8/24/99 she
would loose her childcare license for good,so she then tells me that if
noone bought these guys today that her boyfriend was going to go drown them
on 8/24!!!  I said WHAT and i said but there are shelters and she that she
would rather have them die than go to a shelter!!!!HELLO!!!So needless to
say i can home with 3 fuzzies and a bank account way in the RED as i use my
September rent to rescue these poor babies,who were in a large cage but the
cage was in a little closet and they are very under weight!!!So since i
used all the money i had so save poor dears i wrote a check that is no good
so i could buy some things to help fatten up these fuzzies.  I also took
them to the vets and the ok but need some weight put on them.They are all 2
years ,1 male named Chaz and 2 females named Tazzy and Wiley.I'm not sure
if i can keep them i will do the best i can to get them all up in weight
and see if i can find good home or homes for them.  My poor buster is
afraid of them and he is twice there size.Well that is the end of my day
all fuzzies are sleeping and tucked in for the night.My 6 yr.old daughter
just luvs them and sang them to sleep!I really hate to this but if any one
would like to help i could really use some financial help BIG time.  If you
want to help a ferret freak who used rent money to rescue these darlings
please e-mail e and i will send you my address if this offends any one i'm
sorry and please disregard.
[Posted in FML issue 2782]