Hurricane Bret made landfall in Texas early yesterday evening.  Ferret
Friends Disaster Response International (FFDRI) went to Disaster Alert at
1:20AM 8/22/99.
Current Situation: Rick White of SAFE in Texas is coordinating rescue
efforts for Ferrets.  A shelter has been set up and Rick's people are ready
for transporting, intake and processing of any ferrets in need.  Rick is a
prime example of being prepared and everyone should follow his excellent
Terri Crisp of EARS will arrive in Texas by 3:00pm today and we will get an
update of needs from her as soon as the situation has been assessed.
Thanks to donations we have a full Disaster Pack ready to go should Ferrets
need it.
We have a partial pack for other animals.
We will keep you updated as the situation warrants
Chere McCoy
Director, Ferret Friends Disaster Response International
[Posted in FML issue 2782]