Greetings Earthings! I bring . . . . . ah,no. Wrong group.
Yesterday, we noticed an ad in the local paper to effect that the poster
had found a 'black ferret' and was looking for the owner.  Finder could
not be keeper as finder has multicat environment, lives in apartment,
has most un-understanding landlord. . . you know the drill.
Short story: Finder arrived with a small, black-looking ferret of
indeterminate sex and age.  Looked to be pure black except for a white
beard and a small white chest marking.  Was very scared: screamed like heck
when I put my (gloved) hand it to get a closer look.  Gave a tentative nip
to finger, not hard and did not appear to be scared of people.  Showed
interest when spoken to.  Anyhow, we could not keep the critter either and
our object was to get it to someone we knew who ran a shelter.  At the
shelter, we found that the coloring was actually more of a VERY dark
ahogony.  Definitely a dark brown with undertones of red.  The shelter
owner was as confused as we were.  Some thoughts were that this was a mink,
but did not look minkish.  Was it really a weasel, but no, that did not
fit.  Eventually we decided it was a full-grown female ferret because the
head shape fit that of unneutered females in the shelter.  Oh yes, this
critter could spray.
I guess the bottom line is the really odd colorings.  Anyone have any
experience with black/near black/dark brown ferrets.  No mask markings,
almost totally one color, sort of a negative albino?  Also if anyone
knowing of such a critter going astray in Yakima, WA.  Ahhh, we probably
have your ferret.  No ransom.
RSVP directly or to group.  Thanks.
[Posted in FML issue 2781]