I have been a part of the ferret-digest for about two years now, and
although I read it frequently, I often do not write or I send e-mail
directly to a person.  Now I need some help as I have in the past.
I have an albino ferret who I rescued about 1 1/2 years ago.  She was being
beaten badly by a pet store and was extremely mean.  She is now sweet and
loveable and trying to learn to be a ferret.  They get played with everyday
and loved on lots and tonight as I was putting her to bed I noticed that
her tail was turning black.  Thought maybe this was from playing outside in
the dirt yesterday.  Upon closer inspection, I noticed that she is losing a
lot of her tail fur (very unusual for her) and that she has black spots all
over her tail.  They are like blackheads that humans would get and they do
pinch out, but very painful for her when I do that.  She is playing,
eating, pooping, and of course getting into as much trouble as usual.  Does
anybody have any idea what this could be?  There are NO changes in her
appetite or behavior.  I have another ferret who loses ALL of his tail fur
every summer.  Seems to be part of his sheeding, but she just looks so bad.
How do you get rid of the black on her tail or can you?
Any help that anyone has would be welcome.  Feel free to e-mail me
directly at [log in to unmask]
Thank you for your help!
Abu, Zazu (the one mom is worried about), Trixie, and Rifiki  "May all
your fuzzbutts be happy and healthy and have as much fun getting into
moms plants as we do:-)"
[Posted in FML issue 2761]