Emergency request for snowy.  .
Starved and neglected to the brink of death, Snowy is just barely holding
on.  She has fought so hard but is weaker each day.  She came to me 4 days
ago and she has pneumonia.  The baytril can only do so much.  Christians
please pray for Snowy right now.  She is 5 yrs.  old and deserves to have
some good life.  I will not give up on her until she does.  It will have to
be asap to send your prayers up for her.  You do not need to write me.
Send all e-mails and prayers to God,.  please If you saw her you would pray
for her without me asking you, so please pray for her.
Thank you with all my heart and little Snowy's.  Jan and Snowy
[Posted in FML issue 2778]