I am fairly new to this publication and have since learned lots of exciting
things from all you fuzzy lovers!  THANK Y'ALL!!  I have a female sable,
her name is Sable (Ok, so I had NO clue as to what to name her!) about and
a half years old.  She has been with us for 1 1/2 years.  I think she does
the "sniff sniff CHOMP haul butt" routine!  I wrote the moderator earlier,
and I THOUGHT I had it under control, but my neck this morning proves
otherwise!  WHAT can be done?  She is in perfect health, other than being
upset at me for getting he shots and trimming the nails last week, has not
been abused, to my knowledge, and gets along great with our 2 cats, and the
dog and kids.  I sprayed that bite deterrent on the kids and us, but, if I
do not put it on our ankles the next time she is out of the cage, she will
go for the skin again!  Tried caging her, but she will get out in 30
minutes and start the sniffing and everyone yanks their feet on the couch!
Any other suggestions???  The day we picked her up, she bit my husband, but
not me.  I was hoping this was not indicative of her habits.  The nipping
has started about 6 months ago so..  go figure!  I also have a flea problem
that crept up a couple of weeks ago.  fireball, my husband's albino male
seems to attract them but they leave Sable alone for some strange reason.
Romelle Nicholson
Tallahassee, FL
The spirits among us take many forms
The wind spirits guide us in the right direction for us to flourish.
The tree spirits stand tall and proud and refuse to be defeated by evil
The bird spirits whisper our names upon their songs and leave trails of
sweetness behind in every flight.
My spirit guide is of the wolf, which outsmarts those who prey upon me
for evil.  I walk the path in silence, planning my every step to thwart
mistakes of those around me.  I am the careful observer and lighten the
hearts of others when they are yelping in pain; therefore, I lick their
wounds with my knowledge, and heal their souls with love and kindness.
[Posted in FML issue 2761]