>From:    Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: How Could They!!??
no...i am not the person who left the ferret...and i would personally
throttle them if i knew who they were...
BUT...i WOULD like to know how the poor baby is...i kept expecting you to
say in the post...but if you did...i missed it... please...let us know if
it is ok...:)...i am sure i am not the only one wondering...
RASCAL~my cinnamon...my first~*~SASSY~my lady~*~WOLFIE~my sweetest boy!!!~*~
MONKEY(SHINE)~my "blaze" wild man!!!~*~FEIVEL~my new Sterling Silver~*~
MEEJA~my new sable maniac woman!!!~*~CHASE~my new DEW lady~*~
ARMAND~my new sable gentleman~*~Remembering Marcel...how we loved him!
[Posted in FML issue 2777]