We are keeping my Mother-in-law's three ferrets.  One is a kit that she got
about 3 months ago that has papers from Canada.  His markings are that of a
He is VERY VERY aggressive with the other ferrets to the point that they
all run away from him.  When you pick him up he goes right for the fingers
and hand to bite them.  He will even bite them thru the cage etc.
When I scruff him he is always kissing at me and trying to bite me.  He is
very hyper which is understandable for a kit but I am concerned with his
aggressive nature especially towards the other three females that are in
the room with him.  They all play tag team westling with two groups going
after each other but ours are at the point where they rarely yelp anymore.
It's all fun and games with our four and the two older one's of my
Mother-in-law's but this one is beyond what I have seen in any of
domesticated ferrets at the stores or in other peoples home.
Is this their nature to be this aggressive.  I will say that since he's
been here he's been scruffed at least four times by me and put in time out
once thus far.  When I have scruffed him it's a battle between me and him.
I have the bite marks and scratchs to prove it.  He is at the point now
when I say no and start to grab him he runs away with his tail all bushed
out.  But, I have always been one to tap my ferrets on the nose and say
"NO" (at least to the one's that can hear the word "NO").  They have all
responded well to this and we no longer have a problem with biting, running
or being afraid now they just come to us.
This little one is a handful and a half does anybody have suggestions on
how to tame this BEAST?????
Thanks in advance,
Joy and the "Four Musketeers"
Sandy, Scooter, Cleopatra and Ceaser
and the current house guests
Wizzer, Scarlett and the BEAST Mr. Johnston
[Posted in FML issue 2777]