>I have been instructed by the NFWS Secretary to respond to the posting by
>Simon Anthony Dyer on the FML of the 6th July 1999.  Why he saw fit to
>post anything at all about the situation to the FML is totally beyond my
>comprehension.  I don't think he'd even mentioned on the FML that he was
>a member of the NFWS.
The original mailing was written by me because I was concerned that a
person within the NFWS Committee was thinking bad of my conduct with
e-mails and mailings to the FML
>Why the change of heart over Ferrets Choice - you weren't exactly
>complimentary about it during the dry food debate a few weeks ago on
>this list?
After talks with John Keen of CC, I was satisfied that all natural
ingedients and no "bulking" agents are used.  After advice, I have safely
changed my Ferrets over to Ferrets Choice.
>Incidentally the NFWS is not a ferret rescue, however, some members of the
>NFWS run rescues at their own expense.
Never said it was!
>Mr Dyer, please clarify the above statement.  It could read as though only
>you know how to run a ferret rescue and that members of the NFWS who run
>rescues don't love their ferrets and skimp on veterinary care.
Do not put words into my mouth Mrs Crompton, I was merely saying that this
is what a member of the commitee was saying about my conduct on mailings.
ALL animal rescues have love for their animals and raise funds tirelessly
for their cause, you, of all people should know that!
>What misunderstanding?  Are you referring to time when you were informed
>that only clubs, welfares and societies who had been accepted as associated
>members and had paid the appropriate subscription were the only ones
>permitted to use the word Associated or Association, and you were requested
>to remove the word from your web page.
I advertised for a Silver Mitt kit to join to my personal "business" of
Ferrets, It was thought of me(by this particular person) as a"cowboy Ferret
keeper" trying to encourage all sorts of person to breed multi-colour
Ferrets to sell!  Which is what we(as Welfares) try and educate people not
to do.
If I offended you, then it has been read the wrong way!
The people I like in the NFWS committee are Mary & John Neale, Ulrike
Hassold, Ingga & Thor, who all come across with the politeness, time and
patience to listen and help in a friendly way.  These are all I have ever
spoken to on the Committee that have been nice, and I'm sure others that I
haven't spoken to are just as friendly!
Simon, Ferty, Tom, Bubbles, Scooter and the Magnificent 7
Banbury Ferret Welfare, UK
ICQ #41809859
[Posted in FML issue 2734]