May I suggest that you go to the FML Archive Search Engine and do a search
on "colloidal silver"?  We've discussed this topic a number of times before
here, I've posted citations as to its use/source/effectiveness, etc., as
have others.  You'll find it mentioned a number of times; a lot of people
on this list use it, and a popular ferret remedy ("Timmy's Tonic"), has it
as an ingredient, from what I recall.
My vet. has recommended its use to me in the past and I was glad he did ..
it saved my Paddington's life, when "conventional" antibiotic therapy had
not worked.  I've posted a great deal about that in the past, though ..
you'll find it all in the archives!  :->
- Ela
Ela Heyn
Harborside Mail Stop 3024
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[Posted in FML issue 2755]