If you are an active volunteer, I sincere commend you.  Regardless of
some of the ignorant postings I have seen in the past on this list-serv
regarding volunteers, it is you that makes the difference in the lives of
these wonderful little animals.  My wife and I regularly help out at our
local shelter both monetarily and through volunteer labor.  It takes a long
time to go through all the cages to properly clean, feed, medicate, and
change water bottles when there are over 80 ferrets to take care.  It is a
job that deserves respect when it is done properly.
It is sad to realize the cruel way in which some unknowledgeable people
treat their pets.  Often they purchase a ferret(s) based on their cuteness
in pet stores that all too often sells the pet without provided the
appropriate knowledge to the buyer.  I get very frustrated to see and hear
about the many strays that come into the shelter malnourished and
dehydrated, lucky to be alive.
The active and knowledgeable volunteers often bring these animals into
their own homes to give them the dedicated attention they need.  It is
unfortunate, but sometimes you can try your very hardest to rehabilitate an
injured or malnourished ferret without luck.  The innocent little animal,
once bubbly and bouncing, passes away overnight or in the arms of the
caring volunteer.
We lost one of our fosters this morning and it hurts to realize that we
tried our very hardest and were not successful.  She was just as cute as
ever, found stray by a stranger and in very weak condition.  Unfortunately,
she must have had some internal injuries that were beyond our control and
apparent upon her passing.  She was scheduled for her first vet visit this
Her name was Lucy and she just crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  Sadly, I'd to
share my poem that keeps our volunteer work going:
Although no words of sympathy
Can ease the pain you feel
We too have felt that pain
And send regards that heal
We know that you will cry
For the rainbow bridge is crossed
Into the land of eternal peace
Your memories will not be lost
Remember that you cared
Remember you were loved
For your recent departed friend
Is playing, dooking, and
bouncing high above.
By: Brian W. Hamning
Copyright 1998
**** Shelter Ferrets need caring volunteers and any assistance you can
     provide is the best assistance of all.  Thank You!!  ******
Brian & Valerie Hamning ( www.ferretzone.com )
Mindy, Cinny, Newman, and Polar ( Our Kids )
[Posted in FML issue 2755]