Hi all,
I'm sad, my foster-ferret Sylvi had a seizure last night, I guessed it was
probably insulinoma due to the symptoms.  Rushed her to the emergency vet,
her glucose was 62, which on a normal scale of 90-120 is rather low...she
stayed at the vet on seizure-watch, but luckily no more problems.  But now
I need her to have an entire blood panel done.  Her usual vet, Dr Frucci,
is in Ft Collins, about 60-some miles away.  I've heard that Dr Bock in
Boulder is terrific, but I'd like to find someone a bit closer, my car is
none-too-reliable.  So my question to all the Denver ferret-folk is: do
any of you have a vet in the Denver-metro area you'd recommend?  Perhaps
w/experience w/insulinoma?  You can respond either personally or to the
list; maybe it will be of some use to other Denver area folk.
Thanks in advance!
Dweezil and Sylvi
*Natasha over the Bridge 01/02/99*
[Posted in FML issue 2755]