It is with a heavy heart that I say so soon after my previous message that
Gustifer died yesterday.  He passed away in his sleep and his death is as
much of a puzzle to Dr. Finkler and I as his illness was.
I want to thank everyone who supported me during his prolonged illness.  I
couldn't have done it without you.  Gus is in a warm place now and those
that got a chance to meet his cute little face will always miss him.  I
consider myself the luckiest in that i was his mom even if for only a
little while.
In his place, i am thinking about adopting a two month old kitten who is
partially, may be completely, blind due to an infection in his eyes.  This
little kitten is as special as my gustifer, and in his memory, I wish to
give him a home.
may all be well with your fuzzies,
[Posted in FML issue 2727]