As of this moment (12 noon, July 15, 1999), the ferret is still alive.
Apparently, the "owner" of the ferret still retains ownership of the
ferret, even though she has been incarcerated.  This being the case, and
with the full willingness and support of "Sophie", the "owner" has decided
to have the ferret murdered...uh...euthanized.  It would appear that in
Canada (well, that province, at least) and maybe elsewhere, it is OK to
decide that you want your pet killed and you will find plenty of support
to do so.
Sophie got somewhat angry when I suggested that maybe it wasn't the
ferret's fault as to what happened to the baby.  She didn't want to
entertain any idea other than the ferret being a vicious and malicious
beast that has no right to exist...and this coming from a person that works
at an animal pound!!!  Who on earth thought that this person was suitable
for this position???  In my opinion, that would be like putting a Charles
Manson in charge of the birthing center at the local hospital!!!  She
actually seemed *happy* that this poor ferret would die!
Another think that no one seems to have noticed...were the wounds severe
enough to say that the ferret might have eventually killed the infant?  If
they were nothing more than scratches and bites (I know that only one of my
ferrets has ever been able to break the skin when biting and that was out
of sheer fright), then where does anyone come off saying that the ferret
needs to die???
Maybe it's just me, but I think something is dreadfully wrong here.  I
don't know if I'd be too far off the mark if I suggested that maybe the
mother be put down and the ferret rehabilitated.  Firing Sophie from her
current position and preventing her from getting another job in any other
related field wouldn't be a bad thing, either.  I was always under the
impression that the people at an animal shelter were there to try to help
the animals *live*, rather than seeming to relish the idea that one should
Todd and the (You know?  I think some people are less than the animals...)
Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 2743]