I finally figured it out.  It just hit me like a bolt out of the blue
(or, more likely, like a ferret from under the couch!) why they call a
collection of 2 or more ferrets a "business".  It's 'cuz they are always
making everything *their* business!  Noses here, tongues there, ears
pointing everywhere.  Little ferret paws sifting through valuables, tiny
teeth latching onto computer disks and wallets, shiny eyeballs scanning our
every move (as well as all of our important files...just in case!).  I
think I'll call Webster and tell them to put that definition into their
next dictionary! :)
Todd and the (Listen carefully...you will *not* call Websters...you will
*not* call...) Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
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[Posted in FML issue 2740]