Rusty: 9/1/93 - 7/11/99
Rusty died July 11 of lymphoma, after a three-week battle.  He was nearly
six years old.  Rusty was the eternal optimist, never willing to admit that
a situation was hopeless -- whether it was trying to get past a closed
door, asserting his dominance over a much bigger ferret (or a dog!), or
wanting to run and play when he could barely stand.  He was a real cuddler,
happy to curl up in anyone's arms, but a terror to anything on four legs
other than his lifelong ferret friend Pixxel.  Rusty could roll over in
either direction.  He will be greatly missed.
Photos of Rusty and Pixxel can be seen in the Ferret Photo Gallery, at
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Ferret Central <> | a preservation society for
Clan Lord (online fantasy RP game) FAQ         | light, you'd want to invite
      <> | waveguides.-- Turan Erdogan
[Posted in FML issue 2740]