I would like to put in my $0.02 about ferrets bitting babies.  I am, as I
write, holding my 8 month (as of today 7/13/99) old son nursing him.  I did
have a ferret (Sable) that was very agressive, and Sable did in fact bite
my infant son a few times.  Thank God he never broke the skin.  I did what,
I hope, any responsible ferret owner would do.  I contacted a local
shelter, and placed him there.  I loved Sable very much, and it broke my
heart to have to take him there.  I know his harem missed him.  (3 females)
I did this because I did not want him to have to be put in quarentine all
the time, or worse yet put to sleep because he was a cronic bitter.  Sable
would even "attack" and bite my husband and 7 yr old son, my 7 yr old knew
to get away from Sable when he was out.  On the other hand Sable wouldn't
touch my 9 yr old daughter or myself.  He didn't like any other male on the
I guess my point is that, it is the parents responsiblity, to watch there
ferrets and children together.  Most of the time when Sable bit the baby,
the baby WAS in my arms, or on my lap.  One time I was nursing the baby and
Sable snuck up behind me and bit my son on the arm that was behind me.  I
have since added two more to my lot, Taz and Snoopy, male and female
respectivly, and Taz just comes up to the baby and sniffs him.  The baby,
is never, never, never left on the floor alone when the ferrets are out.
When he is on the floor and one of the ferrets comes up to him, I am always
right there watching, my son is also learning to "be easy" with the
ferrets.  He, so far, has only "petted" the ferrets.  But even if he wasd
to try to grab an animal, I am right there to intervene.
I'm sorry that this turned out to be so long, but I just had to write, and
say ferrets and babies CAN reside in the same house.  Just because I had
one "bad" ferret, dosen't mean all ferrets are bad around children.
June and her zoo
Sacks- Snoopy,  mom unwired the bottom door, lets go!
Aurora- gotta hide ALL the dirty socks today
Amanda- I'm the princess of the gang
Snoopy- Mom go ahead and leave the house so I can get out of
the cage again
Taz- Mom, can I have MORE chicken gravy,
[Posted in FML issue 2740]