>Date:    Mon, 12 Jul 1999 09:58:41 -0700
>From: William Killian - Zen and the Art of Ferrets  <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: zen on shelters bashing everyone else
Whoa!  From the kind of responses I've received to my post, it's pretty
obvious that I didn't have my msg come across very well.  When I said
"I've probably been accused of the same through the years," I was referring
to THEIR assumption.  Turn away an offer to help my fosters?!!!  Are you
crazy?!!!  I welcome ANY offer...with open arms & undying gratitude.  But
then those of you who've never met or corresponded w/me would have no way
of knowing that.
Discourage someone from volunteering to help a rescue?!!!  Again let me
emphatically state: Are you crazy?!!!  I always encourage getting involved
no matter how insignificant it may seem.  It doesn't have to be fostering,
that's not for everyone.  It can be clerical, fundraising, sewing,
renovating cages, storing merchandise, etc.  If everyone just did one
little thing it would all get done.  I just can't afford to wait for that
to happen.
What I did say is that there are far more offers than actual assistance.
I did say that the dozens of hours I've spent explaining how people might
want to get involved didn't lead anywhere, in fact it cost me my precious
time, without even a return call to say 'I've thought about it & it really
isn't for me.'  I have never dissuaded an offer to help & I don't begrudge
anyone for not getting involved.
Anyone truly dedicated to the cause of their choice doesn't need a pat on
the back.  The self-satisfaction of taking the initiative to get something
beneficial done for whatever that cause is, is all the incentive that's
needed.  Don't support the shelter - assist the shelter in their support
of the ferrets in their care.  That's what it's all about.
As for the rest of the round-about way you managed to make a personal
attack based on your assumptions, I'm not even going to legitimize your
drivel with a response.
Please consider helping your local shelter in whatever way you can, & adopt
of ferret in foster care the next time ferret math strikes.
Juliana  (770) 984-1417 <[log in to unmask]>
(fer'it`biz'nis) n.  1 Ferret foster care & adoption.
2 Info about ferret care & ownership.  3 What a ferret does.
4 A collection of ferrets.  5 A direct result of ferret math.
/That's BUSINESS as in a bunch of ferrets folks./
[Posted in FML issue 2740]