>From:    Greg Hindley <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Why do Ferrets have so many health problems?
>Why is there so many health problems with them?
Simple answer.  Really.  And its the same answer with the similar but
obviously different question on most mail lists.
Would you send a post that send "I need help fast.  I have a healthy well
behaved ferret that never misses its litter box and doesn't bite.  What
should I do?"
The primary purpose of this list is to get help when you need it.  Other
topics come up but really aren't as common as an awful lot of folks are
just to busy to chat about other aspects of ferrets.
A like percentage of problem questions come up on the VW lists I've been
on.  The Jeep lists.  The other ferret lists.  Etc.
And also on every list comes the question you asked.  Why are there so many
problems with ferrets/vws/jeeps/etc?
These are always followed by a post like this one where someone points out
that the same thing happens on the other lists that responder is on like
Chrysler or Honda or dog or ... Get the idea?
>From:    Sunshine <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Why Do Ferrets Need Human Companionship
>Everyone seems to talk about how ferret's need human companionship and I
>wondered why?
Actually its transferance.  People who need their ferrets companionship
think it is a mutual need.  Not really.  BUT a ferret that gets more human
companionship will be a better human companion.  So to make your ferret a
better pet you need to be a better companion to the ferret.
A ferret could survive quite well in an environment where it got plenty of
food, water, medical attention and sensory stimulation without direct human
interaction but would the fun in that be?  Why would you want to do all the
work without the play?
>From:    "Houle Marion (NHQ-AC)" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: ferret sculpture and funny fuzzy story
Although actually quoting BIG...
>[Moderator's note: They are definitely not using the subscriber list,
>though, again, they may have culled old FMLs for a least some of their
>addresses.  Thus far I've gotten 15 complaints, plus one person who
>appreciated getting the info.  BIG]
With all the old FMLS being available all they'd have to do is get a bunch
of them. write/use some software to extract email addresses and they'd
have a "targetted" mail list.  Likely do the same on the other mail lists,
newsgroups and even web sites.
SPAM is annoying but at least this was somewhat targetted rather than
being the same old sex sites... I don't bother getting worked up about UCE
anymore.  Too many more important things (okay I don't pay connection fees
to download mail just to delete so it is less important to me I guess)
Its not real easy to find out who visits other people's web sites but it is
to track folks that visit your own.  I'm not particularly interested so I
don't bother tracking who sees the zen site.  I don't even bother counting
visitors anymore.  Buddha gets PLENTY of email so I don't actively seek
more visitors on my own.
>From:    "F. Scott Giarrocco" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Ed's post
>From:    Lara Tyminski <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Eddie L. and the amamzing super ferret.
A translation from Edward Lipinski into English.
If experience is a guide by "premature" he means "younger than adult".  So
anywhere from birth to puberty apparently.  He isn't using words the same
way as most of us here and in some other cases as well.  Haven't figured
out how to convince Mr. Lipinski to use words to mean what most people
would expect them to mean.  Its taken me a while to figure out that he does
use terms differently.  I do try to correct his usage of terms about ferret
breeding to alleviate problems from folks thinking his usage is at all
Edward does have some good ideas mixed in with the "odd" thoughts.  So its
worth looking through his posts but a critical evaluation of his ideas is
bill and diane killian
zen and the art of ferrets
mailto:[log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 2740]