So many replies to my post on ferret health problems that I am overwhelmed
by the responses.  My mail box was full.  Thanks to all of you who
responded with so many legitimate reasons why we see so many posts on
health related problems my mind has been set at ease.
It seems quite clear now why and I would like to thank you all for helping
me to understand.
Max got his own bedroom today until the baby comes in 9 months and by then
he will have a HUGE state of the art ferret condo complete with all the
buttons and whistles.
We are considering getting another (2 is the maximum) ferret to play with
A few questions:
Is there a quarantine time for introducing a new playmate?
Should we get a male like Max or a female?  What would make a better match?
Max is 17 weeks.  Should we find one about the same age or would a younger
kid be OK?
Would it be better to find one at a nearby shelter or a pet store?  Would
a shelter kid be healthier as well as aleaving the pressure on a nearby
ferret lover?  I think I know the answer to this one.
thanks to all who responded.  You know who you are.
Greg Hindley  Aloha, Oregon
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[Posted in FML issue 2740]