Dr. Weiss gave me a protocol sheet to type up called "Medical Treatment
of Hyperadrenocorticism in the Ferret." He wrote it for all of the
veterinarians who have been calling about lupron and the two other drugs he
used in his study to treat adrenal tumors in non-surgical candidates.  This
sheet contains the 3 protocols he uses.
The study has been completed and submitted to a journal but has not yet
been published so is not available.  However, he does not want to withhold
information that may help treatment of ferrets.
He has been able to locate a pharmacy with an 800 number which will
compound lupron into 1-ferret sized 4-month doses (2 mg/ferret).  That
means a veterinarian no longer has to buy a human sized dose (30 mg) which
is far more costly.  The pharmacy number is listed on the sheet.
The 2 mg 4-month dose comes in two vials - a liquid and a powder.  They
can be stored indefinitely until mixed.  Once mixed they should be used
There has been some confusion over the 1-month versus 4-month lupron.
Giving more of the 1-month lupron will not make it last longer.  The
microspheres are time release (think of your Contact cold capsules, but the
release being over a longer period) and will dissolve after 1 month, no
matter how much is given.  The 4-month dose ends up being less expensive as
well.  It will sometimes last for 6+ months.  I spoke with a shelter
director recently; her two ferrets who participated in the study are 6 1/2
months past their first lupron injection, and there has been no return of
symptoms so far.
If you would like me to send you a copy of the two-page protocol, please
email me privately, and let me know if you want it in an email, attached in
a Word document, or attached in a WordPerfect document.
Dr. Weiss is receiving huge numbers of calls about the study, and is also
faxing this same information out to veterinarians.  Of course, should your
veterinarians need information beyond what is on the sheet, they may call
him.  The pharmacy that he has located is familiar with the protocol; he
has spoken with all three pharmacists, and they are used to shipping all
over the country.
Again, please email me privately to receive a copy.
All the best -
Beth + Miska + Pads + Gabby + Smudge + David
[Posted in FML issue 2728]