Nothing much has changed.  Isn't that right?
In England, Cleveland, Kent/Auburn (Washington State), Toronto, and Balboa
Park in San Diego, and god only knows how many other places and times not
publically known - has our loverly little ferret ripped into the flesh of
infants ?  How many times ?
It really doesn't matter, does it?   Isn't once enough?
Many more dogs and cats slash and rip infants than do ferrets, that is most
certainly true.
So what!  Once is enough for a ferret.
The idea of "educating the public" is laughable if not idiotic.  No matter
how many "educated public" you got out there, it only takes one jackass to
make headlines - and that jackass may very well be an educated jackass.
It only takes one.  And once is enough - once or twice a year somewhere in
the USA or another place.  It only takes one.
And ask yourself, just who is going to do the educating?  You people on
this mailing list.  HA!  The vast majority know "diddle-squat" when it
comes to instructing others on the nature of ferret behavoir.  And it's
quite doubtful if any two would even agree on the proper form and content
of "educating the public," when the "educators" themselves are about as
ignorant as a doorknob.
Please consider Chris Kibler's plea:
"We need to educate the public so that the UNKNOWN is known, and there is
less fear."
Chris, here's the question for you and for all the others of like ilk:
What, pray tell Chris, is UNKNOWN?
Is it everything other than the KNOWN?  And Chris, what makes you assume
that when the UNKNOWN is known, there will be less fear?  Is it possible
there might be even greater fear?
I have an answer for this problem, but this answer would so infuriate most
current ferret owners, that I'd not be safe on the streets at night.  Or
maybe even in broad daylight.
Next time - the bombshell!  If you want it.
Edward Lipinski, who once assisted at a veterinarian-conducted necropsy
(post mortem) of an innocent ferret who had lacerated the scalp of a
premature infant 47 (estimated) times in an apparent attempt to DRAG the
infant away.
[Posted in FML issue 2738]