I have a couple of little questions..  Recently, I've been noticing a
change in Ramirez.  He seems, quite honestly, to get depressed.  For some
reason, when I put out food, he won't eat until Dexter isn't there.  But
they get along fine at other times.  They also have this big squeeky ball.
Dex can pick it up, but Ramirez can't.  So when it's out, Ramirez will run
after it and attempt to pick it up.  Then either Dex will run up and get
it, or Ramirez will just give up.  Then, he'll just flop down on the floor,
stareing ahead of him with a sad look.  He does this with other things
occasionly, when he can't do something, and especially when Dex can.  Is
depression bad?  How can I do something about it?  I try helping him with
the ball and stuff, to encourage him, but he still gives up and flops
Also.  My friend has a game he plays with Dexter.  He hold him, and waves
his arms up and down (so Dex goes up and down, but still supported by his
hands).  He doesn't get puffed up, or hiss, or struggle or anything.  We
are taking this as a sign he likes it.  But he also doesn't dook or
anything..  Maybe he's just too petrified to do anything?  *grin* Also,
his tail smells especially strong (nice) after this..  Does this mean he's
happy?  Or some sort of mixed up skunk reaction?  *grin*
Advice would be appreciated, especially with Ramirez, who I'm pretty
worried about.  Thanks :)
- Reet
[Posted in FML issue 2737]