Hello everyone,
Another unfortunate and AVOIDABLE event has occurred in California
regarding ferrets.  This is exactly why I've never supported this kind of
public event.  And sadly, yes, ferrets lives are endangered, a ferret
owner is suffering, and the issue is receiving more unwarranted negative
Please, can we finally learn from this?
Our effort can best be advanced by the polite letters, e-mails, and phone
calls from supporters to their respective representatives in the State
Capitol.  Our issue can also best be represented by owners being
responsible when it comes to their ferrets' and that does not include
interaction with the general public-- which, given the current legal
status should be zilch in my opinion!
When this kind of thing happens (of course the little girl wasn't seriously
hurt but for detractors that doesn't matter), we are all harmed in the
process and the issue we've worked so hard to advance suffers the
inevitable setback.  We also suffer a setback because as a group, our
meagre resources, both time and financial, are diverted from the
legalization process to fight something that was, I'll say it again,
I may very well get flamed for this (If you want me to see or respond to
your comments you'll have to e-mail me directly), but it's clear that when
these unnecessary and very negative events happen, we do more damage to
our issue than the opposition ever can.
Jeanne Carley
Californians for Ferret Legalization
410 Mountain Home Road
Woodside, CA  94062
[Posted in FML issue 2736]