Hello FML,
I have a concerning question to ask.  We just moved from a wooden floor
apartment to a carpeted apartment.  Our fat girl, Silver is fat.  She is a
silver glaze and rather looks like a polar bear than a ferret :) Vet said
her obesity isn't unhealthy and we can continue her normal diet.  Anyway,
she's still a hyperactive one and she enjoys running around a lot - But she
takes lots of rests in between (flops flat on the floor).
We brought our two ferts into our carpeted apartment.  Lucky them, they get
to have a room for themselves!!!  They were both very curious about the
carpeting but soon started dooking all around and ran endlessly.  Then it
happened.  the fat one started to hyperventilate.  She would take two or
three steps panting, then flop on the ground, take two more steps panting,
then flop.  We became very worried and took her to an empty tub (she likes
laying on cool things).  She flopped and laid still while my girlfriend
sang her a song and stroked her (IT WORKED).  But as soon as I picked her
up, she started panting again.
We're also concerned about her flopping and frequent resting.  Other than
that, she's a healthy ferret.  She's always the first one up, drinks lots,
EATS LOTS, plays lots, POOPS lots.
We thought maybe she's allergic to the carpet dust or something, but today
she's doing better.
Anyone have any helpful inputs?  THANKS.
JT & Rena
Trina the unpredictable lapferret
Silver the weiner dooker getting-there lapferret
[Posted in FML issue 2733]