Hey guys!
Michaela an' Stevie awwived today.  Dey were excited when dey saw so many
new fwiends to welcome dem!
Stevie had to get used to de wight, but it didn' take him wong!  De wast
time I saw him, he was bouncin' across de Packing Peanut Porch an' divin'
in head first!  <dook dook> He was alweady makin' pwans to meet Michaela
an' some de ot'er ferrets in de Zoom Room!
Michaela, now dat girl *wuvs* to explore!  <chuckle> She had to visit all
de pwaces before I could take her for some fwyin' wessons!  We made it back
jus' in time for de Ferretone Fwood.  Oh, she wan'ed me to tell her mom dat
she wuvs her an' she is havin' fun!
Who's dat?  Hey, Waldroph! Come back wit' my sock, dat's *my* sock!
Better go catch up wiv him!
Buh Bye!
Visit some of my fwiends!
[Posted in FML issue 2731]