Hi all!
First, thanks to all who gave advice on my junk food eating ferret.  He's
doing fine, and I got lots of good suggestions!
Most important~~ We have a 2-3 year old male chocolate ferret that was
found in a back yard in Livingston NJ 3 days ago.  He's a light brown, and
looks like he's spent quite a few days outside in the 100 degree weather.
If you lost this fuzzy, please contact me ASAP.  He's ok, and is getting
some much needed medical attention.
You can e-mail me at [log in to unmask], or Rick or Denise Jackson from KiSta
Ferret rescue at [log in to unmask]  We're just calling him 'Livingston" for
now, so you'll know who to ask about.
We would love to reunite this fuzzy with his human(s).  If you know
anything, please contact us!
Thanks again, you are all great people!
Tracy and the Fuzzy Bunch
[Posted in FML issue 2727]