*WHEW* My the response I have gotten was so overwhelming that I thought I
would just respond to all questions here so that I wouldn't have to write
back to the at least 38 people that have written me so far!  I really
appreciate everyone's replies and posts, but I can't write back to every
individual as I had planned and had done for the first day.
Rosie was with her previous owners for her entire life.  They seemed sweet
enough and I don't believe that they abused her, but then again how would I
know?  I did take Rosie to the vet around the second week she came here and
the vet said that she seemed fine.  No lumps, ear mites, deafness, teeth
problems, etc.... I have decided to keep my daughter Krysta away from Rosie
on a permanent basis or until something changes with Rosie and her biting.
I do believe that Rosie can be changed because I swear I can almost see her
wanting attention.  She does seem to want to be loved, but she just doesn't
know how I guess.  Yes, I have become afraid of her a little now and I
don't know how to deal with her because of this.  I appreciate all the
letters of support from all of you great fert lovers out there and I have
bookmarked all the links (URL's) that I have received and I have been
reading through some of them for new and different ways to help myself and
Rosie.  Her brother without a doubt is just a little lover! :)
Rosie was spayed a little late from what the owners said.  She was pregnant
on the day she was spayed years ago (the babies/kits were aborted).  This
very well might have something to do with it????  I will definitely not
have her put down as a few have suggested.  I do see the reasoning behind
those comments, but I just don't think that is the way for me to go ever.
I think I love her to much for something of that nature.  I am handling her
with one gloved hand and stroking her with the other ungloved hand and I am
able to pet her head, paws, back and belly, but only for a short time every
Now that I think about it I really do think that she bites because she was
not taught not to bite.  I think she just has no experience at all dealing
with the human hand.  I don't know if I can turn her around or not because
I am almost afraid to try now after the few attacks that I have witnessed
her do.  I'm located in Ohio and I am wondering if there is anyone out
here close by that has dealt with this before and might be up for the
challenge????????  I am still reading things off of the net that some of
you good folks sent me and I will keep trying as much as my nerves will
allow me and then I guess I will have to come up with something different
at that point.  Well I hope I have answered a lot of your questions about
Rosie and her past.  She really is a sweet little thing packed into a big
mouth of teeth!  :) I will post again soon on Rosie and her behavior.
Thank you all!!!!
[Posted in FML issue 2730]