Hmmm ..  I wish I knew what type of bugs your little "drunkards" were!  I
use peppermint (essential oil or spirits) to repel ants .  Then I make
"sniffy bags" for my closet to keep moths and such out ..  they have cedar,
lavender, pennyroyal, patchouli and lemongrass (essential oils and dried
herbs).  All of those plants serve as insect repellents ..  and I prefer
them to mothballs .  (They smell better than mothballs , too!)
I'm told that lavender (essential oil or dried herb) keeps away flies,
which I'm guessing your drunkards are, and I know that eucalyptus
citriadora and citronella essential oils work nicely when I go out in the
woods to keep away mosquitoes and other annoying flying insects .  (I make
lotions containing those essential oils).  Oh, and bergamot (dried plant
or essential oil) is a repellent of some flying insects, too.
Hope that helps in some way ...  I can give you recipes for making
lotions/balms /spritzes containing essential oils , if you are interested.
- Ela
Ela Heyn
Harborside Mail Stop 3024
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[Posted in FML issue 2758]