Moving 26 ferrets, their belongings and mine was quite an adventure.
Picture two 15' trucks and one 25' plus about 3 van loads.  Guess who used
the most room.
The fuzzies were escorted in air conditioned comfort while mom waited for
the movers to finish.  They also spent the weekend at The Woodland Retreat
while their room was painted and cleared of paint fumes while the rest of
us worked getting their house ready.  Needless to say, the excessive heat
didn't make it easy for the two legged crew but the ferrets seem to love
their adventure and have been bouncing off the walls.
I'm thrilled to be back in Florida and don't think I would have survived
without the help of some very exceptional people.  Carol, Don, Barbara and
Plashette, words are not enough to express how much I appreciate all you've
done.  You really made it so much easier for me.  Thank you dear friends.
Please note the new email address:  [log in to unmask]   Snail mail is:
5226 Collins Road  Jacksonville, FL  32244
Phone:  904-215-5234
Receiving the FML this morning brought a smile and it feels good to be
"connected" again.  Thanks BIG and it's great to be back.
[Welcome back :-)  BIG]
Hugs to all,
[Posted in FML issue 2758]