Dooks to all, and sincere condolences to those whose babies have gone to
the bridge.
Had to let you all know Conan has settled in quite nicely.  Larry couldn't
stand the looks between the magnificent 7 and the newbie last Wednesday,
so before I got home they were all together.  It's amazing that my clan
accepted him without a fight.  He was amazed to find out there were others
like him.  Larry said he'd chase the tar out of one, then that one would
chase him.  Getting a little tired, the 'chaser' would turn around and walk
away, to which Conan countered by attacking and running, bringing on
another chase.
The odd thing is, when they all decide to crash when they're out, they all
buddy up, either in a group or in pairs.  Conan, on the other hand, goes to
the cage and sleeps by himself.  I was home with a migraine last Thursday,
and put Conan & Suzy on the bed with me.  Both passed out together, which
made me feel pretty good.
Conan eats like a wolf.  I watched him watch the others eat the gravy, and
he'd just walk by.  So Saturday I put a little on his mouth and then let
him go.  I was sitting on the bed reading and heard lap, lap, lap, looked
down, and there was Conan, face first into the gravy snarking it down.
Now it's a draw who gets to the plate first, Socks or Conan.
I had to make a new batch this weekend, and luckily missed getting one of
the infamous Brazilian Exploding Chickens.  We did get ourselves a meat
grinder from e-bay, and I hooked it to a bread board for us to use.  Larry
did the grinding, I held the board.  By the way, the fellow I got the
grinder from on e-bay is known as Diaperman, e.g. Diaperman antiques.
Shipping & handling was only $17.50, so if anyone is interested, you might
go up there and see if he has anymore.  (Sorry Bill, wanted to let people
know a name).
I don't think we had an exploding chicken, but we had an Indiana Basketball
bird, I really do believe it.  It kept jumping out of the grinder and going
all over the board.  One time it landed on the floor, to the amusement of
the cats.  Of course Chewie, our big ginger cat, sat in the dining room and
just watched us work that thing through there.  Wish I'd had a camera to
catch the looks on that cat's face.  Anyone ever see the "Calvin & Hobbes"
cartoon where Calvin's mom is chopping up a fish?  This is what I feel like
everytime I do the gravy.
Bob, the worst part is not putting it in bags.  The worst part is the
grinding.  Hey, wait a minute, people!  Let's make a scary movie "The
Brazilian Exploding Chicken Gravy Incident".  We could use hand held
cameras like they did in the "Blair Witchcraft.....................
Rebecca & the other two human slaves
The merry band of mayhem:  Socks, Kit, Genie, Scully, Suzy Derkins, Calvin,
Mookie, and Conan
The 'above it all cats':  Chewie, Dribble, Sarabi & Tigger
Rebecca McFarlane
Basic Medical Sciences
School Veterinary Medicine
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN  47907-1246
Phone:   765-494-8632
Fax:     765-494-0781
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste
good with ketchup"
[Posted in FML issue 2756]