Meeteetse has another 10 days still of antibiotics (3 and 1/2 weeks total
when done) but she went back in with the others today and everyone is just
so happy about that!  Her x-ray showed her clear now, but pleurosy in
ferrets is so extremely rare (pneumonia is rare enough) that no one is
quite sure how long it will take to be completely safe, so this is the
logical thing to do.  The x-rays and ultrasound are such that it might have
been just pleurosy (as if that could be a "just") or that plus pneumonia.
Figured you'd be happy to know that our almost 7 year old is mostly back
to being her old self again.
Oh, for those who don't know The Fly is a Marshall Farm girl who was abused
by a pet store owner before we got her as a kit -- badly enough to fracture
her tail and give an early fear (long overcome) of people-- because she was
chewing on hands.  Turns out she was doing that because she had a deciduous
canine which didn't fall out right and caught between two other teeth
creating a painful infection.  Once that was removed she never bit again.
Last year she had a bad adrenal out and an insulinoma which was found while
she was open also came out; so far have had no reoccurance of either.  As a
kit no one expected her to have a long life because her heart rate was so
fast and she was always on the go.  Well, except for when she was sick
she's still our most active despite her hearty fat deposits and is enjoying
life well, thank you very much!
So here's to the old ones which keep on chugging and laughing and kissing
to fill our days!
Ah, forgot to tell you.  She hadn't kissed Steve in a week (He gave her
the meds.) but when he asked if she wanted to see Warp, Ashling, Scooter,
Jumpstart, and Glueball she covered his mouth with sloppy kissies!  (She
had been staring at them form a distance an CRYING when she wasn't allowed
to get near.  It was a major guilt trip for us.)
[Posted in FML issue 2756]