Hi all,
I would like to get your ideas and suggestions for a product I can get that
will solve the following:
*  My ferret is use to playing on our L-shaped couch.  He runs back and
   forth playing with us on the couch.
*  Alas my little guy has figured out that HE CAN JUMP DOWN so now he
   jumps to the floor and is off like a flash.
I want him to have room to run around and not get hurt.
I have a very small house so I can't give him the entire room to play in.
Is there any product out there that can be used to close off an area "much
like a play pin" ?  I want to be able to sit in the closed off area and
play with him.  Maybe something like a rather hard plastic sheet that goes
up so high, something I can attach the ends Of the couch.  This would allow
him to play on the couch and jump on the floor and play but not be able to
get past the plastic wall.  I need something that I can put up and take
down easily.
Please let me know if any of you know of such a product.
As always, thanks so much for your support.
Thank you,
Rachell Blessing
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Omega Multimedia
[Posted in FML issue 2756]