hello, i am new to the digest.  i love it by the way, very informative.  i
am just writeing concernining feeding mice to ferrets.  when i read for the
first time that some people feed their ferrets mice.......i was soooooo
surprised!!!  i wouild never of thought to do that!!!  i have one ferret...
(jinx), and i also have pet mice.  the mice are in one room , that jinx
never goes in, he is not allowed(just for the fact that that room isnt
ferret proofed for him).for myself, i would never even try to give jinx a
mouse to eat...for the reasons of: jinx is such a sweet and gentle boy,
that i would be sooooo scared that if he would start to eat mice and have
to kill another live creature that he would not be as gentle anymore..he
is one year old and has never bitten anyone...he visits the local nurseing
home and all the elderly love him,and i would fear that i couldnt take him
on visits anymore.  also..i love my pet mice..of course.  as much as i know
that jinx's favorite toys are those that are fur covered..i would never
take that step and give him a live mouse.  but ..that is me....and you out
there that are comfortable with doing so...good for you...im sure your
fuzzies love the mice..i really dont see no immoral issue here...just my
own hang ups about it.  bye....thanks for such great information to help
me in my relationship with jinx...
tammy and jinx
[Posted in FML issue 2755]