Hello everyone!  Just wanted to respond to some posts on today's FML.
Unfortunately, I'm accessing my home e-mail via the Internet at work, and
for some reason I can only read about half of the FML.  Anyway.....
To the anonymous poster in CA who had the cat from the shelter with an
upper-respiratory infection.  We brought a kitten home from a pet store
(was a trade for a very agressive black-belt cichlid fish), who turned
out to be quite sick.  She was infested with fur mites (which cost me
several days of unbearable itching), and could not digest any food other
than lactose-"free" milk - anything she ate turned to diarrhea almost
immediately.  The vet suggested I keep her isolated from the other animals
(2 other cats and 5 ferrets) for *two weeks*.  There was no way I could do
this.  The only place would have been in the bathroom, and at the time I
had a cat with feluke (Feline Leukemia) who followed me like a puppy.  I
wasn't taking any chances on him catching anything - not my little
Kudos to you for going through with what you did.  I ended up taking the
kitten back to the store.  I couldn't have handled taking care of 3 sick
cats and 5 sick ferrets.  (BTW, trust me - you've never seen a cat refuse
to take a pill until you've seen us trying to medicate Dakota!)
To Leigh regarding the ear mites....Our ferrets came down with ear mites
too, back when we got the last two (all 5 have since crossed the bridge).
When I took them to the vet, he gave them a shot to clear the mites.  I'm
not sure what the medication was, but if anyone would like to know, please
e-mail me and I'll see if I can....ferret it out!
[Posted in FML issue 2754]