Hello everybody, I hope all your fuzzies are well,
I just thought I'd write and let everybody know that Sammy's doing much
better now.  He finally started eating on his own 2 days ago.  His energy
level is almost back to normal.  The vet checked him over & said his
perfectly healthy.  My vet says, it's a miracle that he's still with us,
but I say, my wonderful vet saved Sammy's life.  If he hadn't discovered
the toxic spleen, Sammy would be gone.  He's also the one that told me
about the duck soup & even found a recipe for me :)  Thank you to everyone
that responded & helped me :-)
On another note :
Dr. Bob (my vet) says Sammy has the most beautiful coat & personality that
he's seen in a ferret.  I know he's not an MF ferret, no tattoos.  I have
never had a ferret before, but a friend of mine had 2 when I was a kid.
How can I find out what kind of ferret he is?  Vet thinks he might be a
European breed.  Can someone give me any information on various breeds
distinctive features?
Dooks to all :)
Peggy & Sammy (Raisins, where are those raisins..I know I just had one!)
[Posted in FML issue 2751]