>This person wants us to laugh at what he has done.  He does not have a
>conscience that tells him that what he has done is a sin and against the
Big, it doesn't sound like she's joking to me....
I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to say that I found the Great Gravy
Adventure extememly funny also.  It was totally obvious that it was pure
fiction, Limejello is an extemely good writer :)
This is coming from someone who currently has 6 dogs, 10 ferrets, 1 hamster
and 1 gunea pig.  (I can't spell.) Nevertheless I'm probably known as an
animal extremist.  In the past I have owned a pig, horses, a duck, a goose,
chickens, turtles, etc., etc.  All of these were pets that I loved dearly.
I lived in the suburbs of DC and had a pet goose honking at my back door to
come out and play, and he used to follow me down the street like a dog....
All but 2 of my ferrets came from people that couldn't care for them
anymore.  The second newest edition of doggies happened because someone
dumped a puppy at the local grocery store.
Nevertheless, the point being, I love all animals.  And I, like the others
that posted on the list about having to suppress laughter while reading
Limejello's post was not so lucky.  I laughed outloud to be honest.
Karen&Manna and the 10 wardancingweasels
[Posted in FML issue 2749]