If anybody has any stories on ferrets that have helped brighten a
terminally ill person's life (like when some volunteers take cats and dogs
to visit nursing homes, hospitals, etc...) this would be a great time to
come forward.
Also, if anybody has any stories about heroic ferrets that have saved a
human life (a human life, not a jar of peanut butter or a candy bar), this
would be a great time to share it.
I believe that a very nice lady in Washington (Charleen Schuster) was just
interviewed for an article in our local paper on ferrets (she has eleven,
if you don't know).  I will try to find out more about when it is hitting
the papers.  I hope Charleen does not mind that I informed everyone.
I will try to gather everything I can on these types of articles so that
they can be presented to the idiot bureaucrats in New York.  I am very
disturbed that New York has decided to go this direction.  Hope this does
not offend anybody in New York, but why don't they take some of the human
"animals" off the streets and leave the ferrets alone?  New York has far
more to worry about than ferrets.
I find this whole ban ludicrous.  Then again, I also find all of the hoopla
in Washington surrounding vicious dogs ridiculous.  It is not the animal,
it is how it is raised (just like children).  I wonder when they will
realize this?
Oh well, enough of my ranting.
I thought it was hilarious today, my little Cleo (who hates to be bathed or
anywhere near water) dunked her entire head in a bowl of water - twice.  I
think the next time I bathe her, we will try a little swimming in the tub.
She is such a strange gal sometimes!
Have a great 4th of July!  Maybe next year we will be celebrating
Independence Day for ferrets in New York (he,he)
[Posted in FML issue 2729]