Regarding Bob's tips on symptoms to watch for in your ferrets:
>01.  Non-seasonal weight loss.  Get a scale and weigh your ferrets at
>least month (better if weekly).  Many diseases, including cancers and
>adrenal disease, cause gradual weight loss.  Since time directly correlates
>to disease survivability, and weight loss is perhaps one of the first
>symptoms of disease, knowing a ferret's weight can result in speedy
>diagnosis and treatment.  See a vet, and bring the weight records.
Can someone recommend a place to buy a good, accurate scale for weighing
ferrets?  Obviously a set of bathroom scales isn't going to work and I'd
like to keep up with my fuzzies' weights just out of curiosity as well.
Thanks in advance.
Mom of Zorro, Claudia, Loki, Fezzik, and Crysin
[Posted in FML issue 2726]