Hi Everyone,
Well I have been going over and taking care of Slinky now since Friday.
Her owners return tomorrow (Tuesday) evening, and I have made no progress
with her.  She still bites me no matter what I try.  The only time she lets
me near her is when I play with her through a bag.  Tonight, I was changing
the newspaper that she uses as a litter box and she came up behind me and
bit my arm.  I later tried to pet her and she got me again.  I fear there
is nothing I can do to stop her from biting me.  I have worked with her but
to no avail.  When she bit me tonight, I scruffed her to get her to let go
of my hand.  She let go and spun around and came after me, to try to bite
me again.  I guess I was just hoping for more.  I got her to dook for me
Sunday night and tonight when I was playing with her, so I really thought
she was warming up to me.  I feel really defeated here.  I suppose at least
I was able to play with her and she wasn't completely alone.
Dooks to All,
Teresa & the Fur-tastic Five
Sequoia, Enoch, Callisto, Nemesis, & Gizmo
and our fur angel Loki
[Posted in FML issue 2711]