Edward Lipinski <[log in to unmask]> wrote:-
>Do you, Sheila, think that you might try racing ferrets in this same
>manner and over the same length grass and water courses?  Then we could
>see who has the fastest speeds, the Englander Frettchens oder Amerikanische
>Frettchens?  To date, only the Australians have challenged and they came in
Bolton Ferret Welfare.
Membership Secretary & Editor of The National Ferret Welfare Society.
Web Site: www.btinternet.com/~sheila/ferrets.htm  last update 13 June 1999
Waiting at Rainbow Bridge: Jill, Deanna Troy, Cameron, Carnath, Button,
Bill, Bobby, Jasper, Inga & Holly
[Posted in FML issue 2711]