Funny how when I think of it know the story of the wooden legged ferret
seems strange.  Well I must admit it was well written.  I've never taken
sides in this on going issue being Ed and others, I've tryed to stay open
minded and generally even.  I actually thought that this Ed guy must be
decent with the ferret story, ooppps, I guess I was wrong.  That was a
great way to gain some alliances.  NOT.  As for me if 'Ed" can come up with
a story like that seeming so genuine, it's in my best interest not to take
anything that he says serious, including medical advice.
On a better note...
With the recent notice that a wooden legged ferret seems alittle strange.
Perhaps if there is anyone out there that has as much spare time as 'Ed'
seems too, perhaps we can hear some 'real' touching stories.
My story... We always know when we call Peuter that Sadie is right behind
him in hot pursuit.  She was doing so well today that at calling 'Peuter',
he came running out from under the couch with a 4 month old 'Sadie'
attached to his back - like a Koala and joey.
Till next time -- Pam and Beck
[Posted in FML issue 2710]