Hi everyone,
my name is Carmen and my little boy is called Ritz.  He is about 11 months
old and only just last week or so, I have discovered a lump, a little hard
lump, at the back of his right thigh.  I have made an appointment with the
vet for this week already cos it is driving me nuts.  In the meantime, Ritz
is doing fine.  He jumps, dooks, plays around fine... eats and poops fine
as well.  I don't see why the lump is there.  But on the safe side, I am
going to consult the doc.  Any parents out there who have the same problem
as I do ?  Please email me....
Also, he accidentally started chewing on a small piece of rubber band.  He
eats, drinks and poops fine.  Should I worry ?  Or should I send him for an
X-ray ?  Please HELP !!
Email me at : [log in to unmask]
Carmen, Ritz's mom
[Posted in FML issue 2710]