I am the proud owner of an albino named..  Elmo..  (of course after the ss
character..) and named by a young one... =)..  I have been away from him
(Elmo) for about 1 and 1/2 years ... he was very well cared for..  but ...
now he is back in my home and maybe I just dont remember from before how
he behaved..  but .. latley .. since the move back home.. he has been
making some very stange noises.. and sleeps about ..  85% of the time... I
have had to wake him to eat and play .  and then he just gets worn out
really fast and is back asleep in no time at all..  I was wondering if this
is normal..  or if he might be sick..he also has grown about 20 times the
size he was when I left..  considering he was a baby..... about 4 months
old..  and now well he will be 2 in July of 1999.... I remember the
destinct smell..  and the people who had him ..  bathed him about one time
a month with baby shampoo... Is that ok?  ... and then they also have been
giving him CodLiverOil..  and I was also courious about that..  If any one
could help me or has any suggestions please let me know..by way of email ..
to [log in to unmask] or Wen1075Cow@aol.com....
thankyou ..
Wendy and Elmo
[Posted in FML issue 2708]