Hi Everyone,
Friday night was the first night I went to visit Slinky at her home.  You
know the ferret that's got a good bite.  Well, I went inside and she came
out of her hiding spot.  I went over there wearing jeans and bitter apple.
Anyway, I talked to her and knelt on the floor so she could sniff me.  She,
of course, wanted my hands, but I pulled them away and gently said "no".  I
have four days with her, so I feel I have some time for her to get used to
me.  I didn't want to rush it or scare her.  Slinky went into a material
type bag and I played with her through the bag.  I did pet her once, but
she turned quickly as if she wanted to snack on my hand.  At that point,
I figured I'd let her get used to me alittle more first.  I gave her two
raisins.  I put them in a bowl (maybe someday she'll take it from my hand.)
I did let her sniff my hands, but if she advanced too much I pulled away.
I will be checking in on her several times a day.  Slinky's owner did leave
the radio on for her as I had suggested.  She seemed lonely though.
Well I will keep you all informed on my progress with Slinky.  I would
like to thank everyone who responded to my crisis.  I will thank everyone
personally also.
Dooks To All,
Teresa & the Fur-tastic Five
Sequoia, Enoch, Callisto, Nemesis, & Gizmo
and our Fur Angel Loki
[Posted in FML issue 2708]